Our Story


Having left my family's home at 18, I've been on the move across various cities and countries. With every relocation, I'm faced with the same struggle of finding furniture that satisfies my desire for both affordability and good quality.

Our Story

My family has a family business manufacturing furniture. Since I was young, I've been hanging at in my family's furniture manufacturing business, spending time with our workers and "helping" them. Crafting a piece of furniture involves a significant amount of work, including cutting and shaping steel, priming and painting, and assembling. I loved being involved in every step, even just observing them, as these raw materials metamorphosed into the final products.

I fondly reminisce about those days when our production soared to thousands of pieces daily. Our factory hummed with ceaseless activity, with machines operating at maximum capacity and our skilled team toiling tirelessly to meet the demands of our clientele. My mother assumed the role of the hands-on supervisor, darting around the factory floor whenever her office duties allowed. Her workday often commenced as early as 4 am, and on occasion, I could hear her returning to bed at 2 am. Despite the demanding schedule, she consistently embodied resilience and optimism. This business was not just a source of income; it was our family's cherished pride and joy.

Then, the pandemic struck, and our incoming orders dwindled to a halt. Schools, offices, and facilities shuttered, barring anyone from their workplaces. Our dedicated employees persevered for a while, but eventually, they had to seek new opportunities elsewhere. Regrettably, the factory had to close its doors, and an eerie silence enveloped everything. The once-vibrant town, which was a hub of activity, transformed into a somber place, leaving us with memories of happier times.

Subsequently, my mother withdrew into her own sanctuary, steadfastly resisting any return to the familiar confines of the old factory. We ceased to frequent the premises, and a conspicuous "FOR SALE" sign replaced our once-proud logo and business name banner. The poignant transformation of what was once my mother's life's work, a source of immense pride and joy, now reduced to a mere shadow of its former self, was all too evident. It was a heart-wrenching sight to witness her life's passion crumble into nothing.

What does Maija mean?

Many people have inquired about the meaning of "maija." To me, it represents a fusion of the two most cherished elements in my life. "Mai" is my mother's name, and "ja" is derived from "gia," which in Vietnamese signifies family and one's origin. My mother and the place I come from remain parts of me & my identity, even as I have been distanced from my homeland for an extended period.

Why do we create Maija?

Having left my family's home at 18, I've been on the move across various cities and countries. With every relocation, I'm faced with the same struggle of finding furniture that satisfies my desire for both affordability and good quality.

I find it perplexing to comprehend why our family's products were not only of superior quality but also more affordable compared to what I can find in Australia now. Every move of mine seems to present a unique challenge, whether it's the intricacies of assembly, the pricing, or the frustrating lack of response to my emails when something is missing.

Consequently, I am driven to establish a business that can offer Australian consumers a trifecta of affordability, style, and top-notch product quality, all wrapped in exceptional customer service. Our core principles revolve around transparent communication and unwavering dedication, with the ultimate goal of ensuring that the furniture purchasing experience is as effortless as can be. The concept of "maija" first came to us in 2022 and blossomed into reality in the early months of 2023.